

Christ Reformed Church is a congregation of believers in Shawnee, Oklahoma who hold to the truths of scripture as our sole authority. We place a high priority on the simple, orthodox, expository teaching of the Bible. We encourage belief in the true doctrines of the Bible and righteous living. Our holding to the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689 summarizes these convictions.
The following paragraphs describe some distinctions held by our congregation.
Singing Psalms and Hymns
At Christ Reformed Church of Shawnee, we hold a distinctive position on worship, emphasizing a balanced expression of joy and reverence through the singing of Psalms and theologically rich hymns. We believe that the Psalms, being divinely inspired songs, offer a profound avenue for expressing a wide range of emotions and experiences before the Lord. Theologically rich hymns, carefully selected for their doctrinal depth and purity, further enrich our worship by providing a solid foundation for our faith. We cherish the two-fold distinction found in both joyful praise and solemn reflection, understanding that the Christian life encompasses both seasons of joy and rejoicing, as well as seasons of hardship and sorrow. Our worship seeks to capture the Gospel’s emphasis of both sorrow over our sin and rejoicing in our salvation accomplished through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Ephesians 5:19-20; Colossians 3:16; Psalm 30:10-12)
For more see sermon Why We Sing Psalms
Head Coverings for Women in Worship
At Christ Reformed Church of Shawnee, the wearing of head coverings for women in worship is regarded as a practice that is encouraged but not mandatory. CRC Shawnee recognizes the place for a diversity of convictions among our members, and we value the liberty of each family to determine its practice. While some of the women wear head coverings as a symbol of humility, modesty, and submission, we also understand and respect that others may interpret 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 differently regarding the outward symbol of head coverings. CRC Shawnee emphasizes the spirit of charity, unity and liberty seeking to establish an environment of mutual respect and open dialogue where each family can worship God freely without judgment or contempt.
(1 Corinthians 11:1-16, Romans 14, Matthew 12:1-7)
For more see the sermon series Why We Wear Head Coverings
Christmas and Christian Holidays
At Christ Reformed Church, we hold the belief that Christmas and other Christian holidays are not inherently sacred or holy days, but rather matters of indifference, anniversary days set apart by the prudence and liberty of the church to commemorate significant events in the history of redemption. We emphasize the freedom for families within our congregation to differ in their traditions and practices surrounding these celebrations. While we acknowledge the biblical, historical, and cultural significance of these holidays, we do not prescribe a singular way of observing them. Instead, we see them as opportunities for individual families to determine their own practices and convictions under the leadership of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. We encourage charity, liberty, and unity among the members of the church concerning such matters asking those who observe and those who refrain from Christian holidays to not pass judgment or disdain one another. Since we regard these as matters of indifference, we encourage joyful and humble submission to the leadership of the church concerning Church gatherings and services around such holidays.
(Esther 9:20-22; Romans 14:5-12; 1 Corinthians 10:23-33)
For more see the sermon series Celebrating or Not Celebrating Christmas With a Clear Conscience