Hope, being improved by the due exercise of faith and love, will grow up into such an assurance of rest, life, immortality, and glory, as shall outweigh all the troubles and persecutions that in this world may befall us, on the account of our profession or otherwise.—There is nothing in the world so vain as that common hope whereby men living in their sins do make a reserve of heaven, when they can continue here no longer. The more it thrives in the minds of any, the more desperate is their condition, it being only an endless spring of encouragements unto sin. Its beginnings are usually, indeed, but small and weak; but when it hath been so far cherished as to be able to defeat the power of convictions, it quickly grows up into presumption and security. But this hope, which is the daughter, sister, and companion of faith, the more it grows up and is strengthened, the more useful is it unto the soul, as being a living spring of encouragements unto stability in obedience. For it being once fully confirmed, it will, on every occasion of trial or temptation, give such a present existence in the mind unto future certain glories, as shall deliver it from snares and fears, and confirm it in its duty. But this also must be spoken unto afterwards – John Owen
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Micah 3