It is the “work of faith” which the apostle here commends. This case is so stated by James that it needs no further confirmation: chap. 2:20, “Wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” He is a most vain man who thinks otherwise, who hopes for any benefit by that faith which doth not work by love. Satan hath no greater design in the world than to abuse gospel truths. When the doctrine of free justification by faith, through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ, was first fully revealed and declared, his great design then was to persuade men that there was no need of obedience; and so they could attain any manner of persuasion of the truth of the gospel, or make profession thereof, they might live in sin as they pleased, and neglect all good works and duties of obedience. And although this be now condemned by all, yet indeed is it no more but what upon the matter most do practice according unto. For they suppose that by being of this or that religion, Papists, or Protestants, or the like, they shall be saved, whatever their ways and works are. – John Owen
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