The Death of Death – Hebrews 2:14-15

The Death of Death – Hebrews 2:14-15

The aim of the world was to bring him unto death; and therein they thought they had done with him. The aim of Satan was so also; who thereby supposed he should have secured his own kingdom. And what could worldly or satanical wisdom have imagined otherwise? He that is slain is conquered. And so would it have been in itself, had not the will, and counsel, and wisdom, and grace of God been in it. But he ordered things so, that this death of Christ should pull out that pin which kept together the whole fabric of sin and Satan,—that, like Samson, he should in his death pull down the palace of Satan about his ears, and that in dying he should conquer and subdue all things unto himself. All the angels of heaven stood looking on, to see what would be the end of this great trial. Men and devils were ignorant of the great work which God had in hand; and whilst they thought they were destroying him, God was in and by him destroying them and their power. Whilst his heel was bruised he brake their head. And this should teach us to leave all God’s works unto himself. – John Owen


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