The Guarantee of a Better Covenant – Hebrews 7:20-22

The Guarantee of a Better Covenant – Hebrews 7:20-22

Wherefore it could not be, upon the account of God’s holiness and glorious greatness, that there should be any new covenant at all between God and sinners, without the interposition of a surety. Nor did it become the infinite wisdom of God; after man had broken and disannulled the covenant made with him in innocency, to enter into a new covenant with him, in his fallen condition, without an immediate undertaker that it should be assuredly kept and the ends of it attained. If you have lent a man a thousand pounds upon his own security, when he owed nothing else, nor was indebted to any other, and he hath not only failed in his payment, but contracted other debts innumerable; will you now lend him ten thousand pounds on the same security, expecting to receive it again? Had God entered into never so many covenants with men, without such a surety and undertaker, they would have been all broken and disannulled, as he well knew. He knew “that we would deal very treacherously, and were” rightly “called transgressors from the womb,” Isa. 48:8. But so to covenant with us, would no way have become the infinite wisdom of God. Wherefore “he laid help upon one that is mighty, he exalted one chosen out of the people,” Ps. 89:19. He committed this work unto Jesus Christ; and then said concerning us, “Now deliver them, for I have found a ransom. – John Owen


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