For we stand in need of such a one, as our apostle declares, as (1.) Could make atonement for our sins, or perfectly expiate them; (2.) Purge our consciences from dead works, that we might serve the living God, or sanctify us throughout by his blood; (3.) Procure acceptance with God for us, or purchase eternal redemption; (4.) Administer supplies of the Spirit of grace unto us, to enable us to live unto God in all duties of faith, worship, and obedience; (5.) Give us assistance and consolation in our trials, temptations, and sufferings, with pity and compassion; (6.) Preserve us by power from all ruining sins and dangers; (7.) Be in a continual readiness to receive us in all our addresses to him; (8.) To bestow upon us the reward of eternal life. Unless we have a high priest that can do all these things for us, we cannot be “saved to the uttermost.” Such a high priest we stood in need of, and such a one it became the wisdom and grace of God to give unto us. And God, in infinite wisdom, love, and grace, gave us such a high priest as, in the qualifications of his person, the glory of his condition, and the discharge of his office, was every way suited to deliver us from the state of apostasy, sin, and misery, and to bring us unto himself, through a perfect salvation. – John Owen
- Audio (MP3) 44 MB
Habakkuk 1
Proverbs 26:1-16