The sovereign will of God is the sole spring and cause of all the grace, mercy, and consolation, that believers are made partakers of in this world. So is it here proposed; thereinto alone is all grace and consolation resolved. God wills it should be so. Man being fallen off from the grace and love of God, and being every way come short of his glory, had no way left, in nor by himself, to obtain any grace, any relief, any mercy, any consolation. Neither was there any the least obligation on God, in point of justice, promise, or covenant, to give any grace unto, to bestow any mercy or favor upon, apostatized sinners; wherefore these things could have no rise, spring, or cause, but in a free, gracious act of the sovereign will and pleasure of God. And thereunto in the Scripture are they constantly assigned. Whether absolutely, that grace is bestowed on any, or comparatively, on one and not another, it is all from the will of God. – John Owen
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Proverbs 22:1-15