The apostle proves, from the words of the psalmist, that yet there was to be a third state of the church, —an especial state under the Messiah, or of the gospel, whereof the others were appointed to be types and shadows. And thence he likewise manifests that there is yet remaining also another state of rest, belonging unto it, which is yet to be entered into. Now, to the constitution of this rest, as before, three things are required: [1.] That there be some signal work of God which he must have completed and finished, and thereon entered into his rest. This must be the foundation of the whole new church-state to be introduced, and of the rest to be obtained therein. [2.] That there be a spiritual rest ensuing thereon, and arising thence, for them that believe to enter into. [3.] That there be a new or a renewed day of rest, to express the rest of God unto us, and to be a means and pledge of our entering into it. – John Owen
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Matthew 24:1-8
Matthew 24:9-28