The Priesthood of Melchizedek – Introduction – Hebrews 7

The Priesthood of Melchizedek – Introduction – Hebrews 7

In order unto the end mentioned, the apostle in the first place declares, that antecedently unto the giving of the law, and the institution of the Levitical priesthood thereby, God had, without any respect thereunto, given a typical prefiguration of this priesthood of Christ, in one who was on all accounts superior unto the Levitical priests, when they were afterwards introduced. This sacred truth, which had been hid for so many ages in the church, and which undeniably manifests the certain future introduction of another and a better priesthood, is here brought to light, and improved by the apostle. As “life and immortality,” so all spiritual truth was “brought to light by the gospel,” 2 Tim. 1:10. Truth was stored up in the prophecies, promises, and institutions of the Old Testament; but so stored up as that it was in a great measure hidden also; but was brought forth to light, and made manifest in the Gospel. – John Owen


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