A Description of Apostasy – Part 2 – Hebrews 6:1-8

A Description of Apostasy – Part 2 – Hebrews 6:1-8

The third property whereby these persons are described is added in these words, “And were made partakers of the Holy Ghost.” This is placed in the middle or center of the privileges enumerated, two preceding it, and two following after, as that which is the root and animating principle of them all. They all are effects of the Holy Ghost, in his gifts or his graces, and so do depend on the participation of him. Now men do so partake of the Holy Ghost as they do receive him. And he may be received either as unto personal inhabitation or as unto spiritual operations. In the first way “the world cannot receive him,” John 14:17; where “the world” is opposed unto true believers, and therefore those here intended were not in that sense partakers of him. His operations respect his gifts. So to partake of him is to have a share, part, or portion, in what he distributes by way of spiritual gifts; in answer unto that expression, “All these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing unto every man severally as he will,” 1 Cor. 12:11. So Peter told Simon the magician, that he had no part in spiritual gifts, he was not partaker of the Holy Ghost, Acts 8:21. Wherefore to be “partaker of the Holy Ghost,” is to have a share in and benefit of his spiritual operations. – John Owen


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