The Mortification of Sin! – Romans 8:12-13

The Mortification of Sin! – Romans 8:12-13

The choicest believers, who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin, ought yet to make it their business all their days to mortify the indwelling power of sin . . . When sin lets us alone we may let sin alone; but as sin is never less quiet than when it seems to be most quiet, and its waters are for the most part deep when they are still, so ought our contrivances against it to be vigorous at all times and in all conditions, even where there is least suspicion . . . He that stands still and suffers his enemies to double blows upon him without resistance, will undoubtedly be conquered in the issue . . . Let not that man think he makes any progress in holiness who walks not over the bellies of his lusts. He who doth not kill sin in this way takes no steps toward his journey’s end . . . Do you mortify; do you make it your daily work; be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you. – John Owen

Passage: Romans 8:12-13


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